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Saturday, September 7, 2024

I am using the artwork of Anna Liwanag.  You need a license to use this tube. I bought this tube at CDO when it was open. 


I am using the FTU kit Spooky Autumn by Diamond Creations


Spooktacular Template found HERE


Mask_6_byRachey_SOE2016 by Scraps of Enchantment found HERE  

Open template


Delete the following layers Rasters 1, 8 & 9


Image, resize template to 700x700. You can keep it the 800x800 if you wish. I just like my tags a bit smaller.


For right now X out all of the wordart layers. We will deal with them later in the tutorial


Select Circle 1


Selections, Select All, Float, Defloat


Edit, copy PP4


Edit, paste, paste as new layer


Selections, Invert


Hit delete on your keyboard


Selections, Select None


Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:

Vertical : 2

Horizontal: 2

Opacity: 50

Blur: 6

Color: Black

Shadow on new layer NOT Checked


Delete the layer that says Circle 1


Select Circle small 1


Selections, Select All, Float, Defloat


Edit, copy PP4


Edit, paste, paste as new layer


Selections, Invert


Hit delete on your keyboard


Selections, Select None


Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow


Delete the layer that says Circle Small 1


Select Raster 5


Adjust, Color Balance, Manual Color Correction. I changed the color of this raster to an orange that is in my tube I am using. You can make it any color you like


Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow


Select Raster 2


Selections, Select All, Float, Defloat


Edit, copy PP11


Edit, paste, paste as new layer


Selections, Invert


Hit delete on your keyboard


Selections, Select None


Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow


Delete the layer that says Raster 2


Select Raster 4


Selections, Select All, Float, Defloat


Edit, copy PP6


Edit, paste, paste as new layer


Selections, Invert


Hit delete on your keyboard


Selections, Select None


Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow


Delete the layer that says Raster 4


Select Raster 3


Selections, Select All, Float, Defloat


Edit, copy PP2


Edit, paste, paste as new layer


Selections, Invert


Hit delete on your keyboard


Selections, Select None


Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow


Delete the layer that says Raster 3


Select Square 1 back


Selections, Select All, Float, Defloat


Edit, copy PP8


Edit, paste, paste as new layer


Selections, Invert


Hit delete on your keyboard


Selections, Select None


Adjust, Add/Remove noise, Add noise with the settings of


Noise 35

Monochrome checked


Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow


Delete the layer that says Square 1 back


Select Square 1


Selections, Select All, Float, Defloat


Edit, copy PP3


Edit, paste, paste as new layer


Selections, Invert


Hit delete on your keyboard


Selections, Select None


Delete the layer that says Square 1


 Edit, copy Tube


Edit, paste, paste as new layer


Resize 70%


Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings


Edit, copy pp14


Edit, paste, paste as new layer


Layers, arrange, send to bottom


 Layers, Load/save mask, load mask from disk, settings:



Source Luminance

Fit To Canvas

Invert Transparency Checked

Hide All Mask


Layers, Merge, merge Group


Resize 95%

Edit, copy Ele70


Edit, paste, paste as new layer


Move below the tube and move toward the left side of the frame


Image, resize 65%


I moved it up some so that you will be able to see the branches good


Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same settings

Edit, copy Ele3


Edit, paste, paste as new layer


Image, resize 50%


Move to the top left and place behind the tree


Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings


Edit, copy Ele50


Edit, paste, paste as new layer


Move to the bottom left of the tag at the bottom of the template and behind all other elements you have added


Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same settings


Layers, Duplicate


Image, Mirror


Layers, Merge, Merge down


Edit, copy Ele49


Edit, paste, paste as new layer


Image, resize 35%


Move to the left, placing on the grass behind the tubes arm


Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings


Edit, copy Ele1


Edit, paste, paste as new layer


Image, resize 40%


Move to the left placing in front and slightly to the left of the cauldron


Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings


Edit, copy Ele37


Edit, paste, paste as new layer


Layers, arrange, send to bottom


Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings


Edit, copy Ele15


Edit, paste, paste as new layer


Image, resize 60%


Move to the left and place in front of the tree and behind the cauldron


Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings


Edit, copy Ele62


Edit, paste, paste as new layer


Image, resize 50%


Move to the right. I placed mine on the edge of the template on that side


Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings


Edit, copy Ele20


Edit, paste, paste as new layer


Image, resize 40%


Move to the right and place in front of the sign. I moved the sign up some and made it look like the pumpkins are leaning against the stick of the sign


Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings


Edit, copy Ele28


Edit, paste, paste as new layer


Image, resize 40%


Move behind the tube and beside the pumpkins on the right. Move around til you have the ghost the way you want it to show


Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings


Edit, copy Ele29


Edit, paste, paste as new layer


Layers, arrange, bring to top


Image, resize 30%


Lay in front of the tube. I laid it on the left side on a place that her dress is out some


Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings


Edit, copy Ele33


Edit, paste, paste as new layer


Image, resize 40%


Move to the left placing in front of the cauldron and behind the pumpkin


Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings


Edit, copy Ele16


Edit, paste, paste as new layer


Image, resize 30%


Image, mirror


Move behind the witches hat and in front of the tubes legs I am using


Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings


Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible


Add your name to the tag


Save as PNG

Thank you Bobbie for trying my tut

Thank you Rachey for trying my tut

Thank you Emma for trying my tut



  1. OOO love the tut xx thank you for making my kit look so cool ♥

    1. So glad that you love the tut...Love your kit!


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