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Monday, June 29, 2015
This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of Joahannah von Frankenstein.  You need a license to use this tube. You can buy this tube at The PSP Project

I am using the PTU Kit Dark Water by Gimptastic Scraps . This kit is exclusive to The PSP Project

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, Copy Frame 1

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

With your magic wand click inside of the frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Edit, copy Ele53

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Edit, Clear

Selections, select None

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 50
Blur: 6
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, Copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize to fit tag

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele47

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move down to Raster 2

Move to the top Right of the frame

Image, resize 50%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele36

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, 60%

Move to the left side of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Edit, copy Ele16

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the far left and place on the left side of the casket

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele52

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the left and place at the bottom of the casket between it and the wrapped up skeleton

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Ele6

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Placing on Raster 2 move all the way to the bottom of the frame and past. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Ele4

Edit, Paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

Move to the far right and place behind the tube and to the right some

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Ele5

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move down to cover up the bottom of the mermaid where it is cut off

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Edit, copy Ele49

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the right placing behind the starfish and in front of the barrel. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Setting

Edit, copy Ele20

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move down to the far left and place on the left side of the tied up skeleton

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele10

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the far right and place behind the barrel but on the sand

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele7

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Layers, arrange, bring to top. Place in front of the barrel

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Ele21

Edit, Paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

Move down til you can see it behind the tube

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Select the Sand

Edit, copy Ele1

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 80%

Pull down so you can see it on the sand

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele51

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move to the right and place so that the knees of the skeleton are on the anchor

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop shadow, same settings

Edit, copy Ele35

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the left and place in front of the map at the bottom

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 4

Edit, copy Ele23

Image, resize 60%

Move to the far right

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Saturday, June 27, 2015
This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of Anna Liwanag.  You need a license to use this tube. You can buy this tube at CDO

I am using the PTU Kit Pretty Pretty Princess by Gimptastic Scraps . This kit is exclusive to The PSP Project

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, Copy Frame 6

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

With your magic wand click inside of the frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 3

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Edit, copy Ele30

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Edit, Clear

Edit, copy Ele56

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

Move below the previous element

Edit, clear

Selections, select None

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 50
Blur: 6
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, Copy Ele40

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the top of the frame

Image, resize 65%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop shadow, Same settings

Edit, Copy Ele54

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Move up past the top of the frame some

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Flip

Image, Mirror

Edit, copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Image, resize to fit your tag

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele9

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, 70%

Move down to place on the bottom of the cut off legs of the tube

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Edit, copy Ele46

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the far right and place beside the S in princess

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele45

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the right and place beside the S in princess and move below the lipstick

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Ele44

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to place above the lipstick

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, Copy Ele55

Edit, Paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the far right and place beside the tube but behind the wording. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Ele38

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to place between the P in Princess and the word here

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Edit, copy Ele23

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the far left placing behind the wordart. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Setting

Edit, copy Ele58

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move down til it is above the star strings. Bring to the top of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele27

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Image, Mirror

Move to the top right of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele1

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Image, Mirror

Move down and place on the word Princess

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Ele60

Edit, Paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move down and to the left placing behind the word Princess. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Ele4

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move down and place below comes the

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Thursday, June 25, 2015
This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of PinupToons.  You need a license to use this tube. You can buy the tube at CDO

I am using the PTU kit PinupToons Package 220  by Ladyhawwk Designs. You can find this kit at CDO

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, Copy Frame 3

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

With your magic wand click inside of the frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 50
Blur: 6
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, Copy Frame 6

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, 65%

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize to fit your tag

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele39

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

Move to the bottom left of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, copy Ele3

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move down to cover up the cut off part of the tube

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele25

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to place in the center of the bow

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Ele43

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the top of the frame and move to the right

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, Copy Ele8

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the lower left and place on top of the leaves

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of PinupToons.  You need a license to use this tube. You can buy the tube at CDO

I am using the PTU kit PinupToons Package 220  by Ladyhawwk Designs. You can find this kit at CDO

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, Copy Frame 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

With your magic wand click inside of the frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 12

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 50
Blur: 6
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, Copy Ele10

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the top right of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele28

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the left side of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele33

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the bottom left placing in front of the candle

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Tibe

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize to fit your tag

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele38

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move below the tube and move down so it looks like she is clutching the purse

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Ele50

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, Mirror

Image, resize 50%

Move to the bottom right of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Ele35

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the bottom right and place in front of the basket

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele16

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, rotate, free rotate, right, 40

Image, resize 50%

Move to the right and place between the basket and glass

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Ele31

Edit, paste, past as new layer

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of PinupToons.  You need a license to use this tube. You can buy the tube at CDO

I am using the PTU kit PinupToons Package 220  by Ladyhawwk Designs. You can find this kit at CDO

WSL_Mask188 found HERE. there is a download on the side of the blog for all her masks. You will find the link there for this mask

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, copy Paper 11

Layers, Load/save mask, load mask from disk, settings:

Source Luminance
Fit To Canvas
Invert Transparency NOT Checked
Hide All Mask

Layers, merge, merge group

Layers, Duplicate

Layers, merge, merge down

Layers, Duplicate

Image, rotate, free rotate, right, 20

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 50
Blur: 6
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, Copy Ele27

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 80%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele45

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the top of the glitter

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele47

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Place on the right side of the tube. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Edit, copy Ele36

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Place on the bottom right side of the sticky note

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Wordart

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the left side of the tube. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Layers, merge, merge down

Layers, Duplicate

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Friday, June 19, 2015
This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of Arthur Crowe. You must have a license to use this tube. You can buy the tube at his store HERE

I am using the kit Red, White and Rock by Manipulated by Magik. You can find this kit at her HIM Addicts Store HERE

Template 168 by Dees’Sign Depot found HERE

Open template 168

Delete font info, info, Liberty Back,  and Raster 1

Select Beige Square

Selections, Select All, Float, Defloat

Edit, copy Paper 13

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 50
Blur: 6
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Delete Beige Square

Select Dark Blue Square

Selections, Select, All, Float Defloat

Edit, copy Paper 14

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow same Settings

Delete Dark Blue Square

Select Brown Rectangle

Selections, Select All, Float, Defloat

Edit, copy Paper 15

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Selections, Invert

Edit, clear

Selections, Select None

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Delete Brown Rectangle

Select Red Funky Circle

Selections, Select All, Float Defloat

Edit, copy Paper 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Selections, Invert

Edit, clear

Selections, Select None

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Delete Red Funky Circle

Select Light Blue Circle

Selections, Select All, Float, Defloat

Edit, copy Paper 1

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same settings

Delete Light Blue Circle

Select Star Circle

Selections, Select All, Float, Defloat

Edit, copy Paper 4

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Selections, Invert

Edit, clear

Selections, Select None

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Delete Star Circle

Select Red Star

Selections, Select All, Float, Defloat

Edit, copy Paper 5

Edit, paste, paste, as new layer

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same settings

Delete Red Star

Select White Star

Selections, Select All, Float, Defloat

Edit, copy Paper 4

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow Same setting

Delete White Star

Select Blue Star

Selections, Select All, Float, Defloat

Edit, copy Paper 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Delete Blue Star

Select Raster 5

Edit, copy Coloured Sparkles

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy  Charm

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move to the very top of the frame. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Guitar

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the left and place beside the word Liberty

Image, resize 80%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Amp

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the left and place behind the guitar. Keep moving down til it is below all the layers of the word Liberty

Image, resize 70%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize to fit your tag

Move to the left side of the tag. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Select Raster 5

Selections, Select all, Float, Defloat

Edit, copy Close up of tube and move to the right. Move around to the way you want it to be

Lower the opacity to 56 so you can still see the tube

Selections, Select None

Edit, copy Big Daddy

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move to the bottom of the tag. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Doodle

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the top right of the frame

layers, arrange, send to bottom

Image, rotate, free rotate, right, 20

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Layers, merge, merge down

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Flip

Edit, copy Mirror Ball

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the top left

Move down til it is below Raster 4

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Firecracker

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the bottom right of the tag. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Fireworks

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the right and place above the firework. Move down behind but make sure it is above the wick of the firecracker

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Punk Skull

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move the right side of the frame and place in front of the firecracker. Move down to the bottom of it

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Flagpole

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

Move to the left and place behind the tube

Image, rotate, free rotate, left, 20

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same settings

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Tuesday, June 16, 2015
This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of Renee Biertempfel. You need a license to use this tube. You can buy the tube at CDO

I am using the PTU kit IB Renee Biertempfel 37-1 by Monti’s Scraps.  You can find this kit at CDO

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, Copy Element 16

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move toward the top of the image. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 50
Blur: 6
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, Copy Element 13

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move below the window but not all the way below. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Edit, Copy Element 15

Edit, paste,  paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to place on the bed

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Element 20

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 80%

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Element 1

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Image, resize 20%

Move to place on the right bed knob

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Element 10

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Edit, copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize to fit your tag

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move to place in front of the window with the dust from the bag on the boys head on the bed

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Element 11

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 80%

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Element 12

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 20%

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move to the bottom left side of the bed. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Element 14

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the right side at the bottom of the bed

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Element 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move behind the boy on the bed and in front of the back of the bed. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Sunday, June 14, 2015
This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of Anna Marine. You need a license to use this tube. You can buy the tube at CDO

I am using the PTU kit IB Anna Marine 59-2 by Tasha's Playground. You can find this kit at CDO

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, Copy Frame 02

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

With your magic wand click inside of the frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 03

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Edit, copy e17

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 50
Blur: 6
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, Copy e20

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the top right of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Edit, Copy e01

Edit, paste,  paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Image, Mirror

Move to the right and place beneath the clock

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy E15

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the right and place on the bow

Image, rotate, free rotate, left 10

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 80%

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy e10

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move down to place at the cut off part of the tubes legs. Place it on the right

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Move to the left of the original

Edit, copy e13

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move down to the cut off legs on the left and place behind the previous flowers and move up some

Image, resize 40%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Frame01

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy e18

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the left side of the frame

Image, rotate, free rotate, right, 10

Image, resize 70%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy e14

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move up to the left to place on the previous element

Image, resize 70%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy e03

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the bottom right and place behind the flowers and to the right. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy e02

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, rotate, free rotate, left 20

Move around til you can’t see the stem

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy e11

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Saturday, June 13, 2015
This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of Arthur Crowe.  You need a license to use this tube. You can buy this tube at his store HERE

I am using the PTU Kit Mojito Cove by Gimptastic Scraps . This kit is exclusive to The PSP Project

Open new image 600 x 600

Select Frame 3

Image, rotate, rotate clockwise 90

Edit, Copy Frame 3

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

With your magic wand click inside of the frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 9

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Move to the right and down some so you can see the wave more

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Selections, select None

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 50
Blur: 6
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, Copy Ele53

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the bottom of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop shadow, Same settings

Edit, Copy Ele33

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to bottom of the frame and move down some in front of the water you just added

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele22

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the far far side of the frame

Image, resize 70%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele23

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, 60%

Move down and to the right and place in front of the palm tree

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Edit, Copy Ele24

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, Mirror

Move to the top left of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele21

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 90%

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Image, resize to fit your tags

Image, Mirror

Place to lay on the sand

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, Copy Ele6

Edit, Paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Place so you can see behind the tube

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Ele52

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Image, resize 30%

Move to place on the Palm tree

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Edit, copy Ele36

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, Resize 50%

Move down to the right and place behind the castle and to the right. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Setting

Edit, copy Ele2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the far left and place on the sand

Image, resize 50%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele19

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the left and place in front of the bamboo sticks at the bottom on the left

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele20

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the right and place in front of the castle on the right side

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Ele54

Edit, Paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the left and move down til it is above the water

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Layers, duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, copy Ele57

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the left and place in front of the previous element

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, copy Ele58

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Place above the tubes butt. See my tag for placement

Image, rotate, free rotate, left 20

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same settings

Edit, Copy Ele32

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the right and put behind the tree

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele18

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the left side of the tag and place in front of the bamboo but behind the flower

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Ele4

Edit, paste paste as  new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the right of the tube but the left of the sand castle

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Ele35

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Image, Mirror

Move to the left and place in front of the pineapple

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Ele13

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the left and place part on the sand and part off

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same settings

Edit, copy Ele26

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move the far left

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Move up above the netting

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, copy Ele60

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Image, resize 40%

Move down to place in front of the tube and place the straw to the tubes mouth

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Ele41

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the left and place behind the pineapple to the left

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Ele56

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the far left and place behind the bamboo

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele7

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the far top right and place on the palm tree

Effects, 3D effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele17

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the right and place on the steps of the castle

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Tuesday, June 9, 2015
This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of Nocturne.  You need a license to use this tube. You can buy this tube at PFD

I am using the PTU Kit Summer Sweetness by Gimptastic Scraps . This kit is exclusive to The PSP Project

WSL_Mask230 found HERE. there is a download on the side of the blog for all her masks. You will find the link there for this mask

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, Copy Frame 4

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

With your magic wand click inside of the frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 6

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Edit, copy Ele23

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move toward the bottom of the frame but leave quite a bit showing

Edit, Clear

Selections, select None

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 50
Blur: 6
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, Copy Ele9

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the top right of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop shadow, Same settings

Edit, Copy Ele24

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to bottom of the frame and move down past the frame some

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele20

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the bottom right of the frame

Image, resize 50%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele44

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the right and place on the right side of the castle

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Edit, Copy Ele45

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 20%

Move to the right and place inside of the sand bucket

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele19

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize  80%

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Image, resize to fit your tags

Place to lay on the sand

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Ele10

Edit, Paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Image, resize 90%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Ele39

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Place in the water

Image, rotate, free rotate, right, 20

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Edit, copy Ele35

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Image, Resize 40%

Move to the far left. Placing on the sand

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Setting

Edit, copy Ele49

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to place above the fish

Image, resize 40%

Move down below the fish. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele31

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to place in front of the tubes hands to look like she is holding it

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele37

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the left and place on the lemonade stand

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Ele4

Edit, Paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the left and place on the left side of the lemonade jug

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Ele5

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the left and place on the right side of the jug touching it

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele52

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the left and place in front of the lemonade stand

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same settings

Edit, Copy Ele40

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the right and put on the left side of the sandcastle

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele41

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the right and place in front of the sand bucket

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Select the Water layer

Edit, copy Ele48

Edit, paste paste as  new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the right so you can see it behind the sand castle

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Ele33

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the far bottom left and place on the left side of the radio

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Ele38

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move to the right and place in front of the tube

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same settings

Edit, copy Ele55

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the right and place behind the sand bucket and to the right

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Ele59

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the very top of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Ele54

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move down to place on the left side behind the tubes head to make it look like it is in the water

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Paper 10

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Layers, Load/save mask, load mask from disk, settings:

Source Luminance
Fit To Canvas
Invert Transparency NOT Checked
Hide All Mask

Layers, Merge, merge Group

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Sunday, June 7, 2015
This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of Verymany. You must have a license to use this tube. You can buy the tube at PFD

I am using the kit Sand and Sea by Manipulated by Magik. You can find this kit at her HIM Addicts Store HERE

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, Copy Frame 1

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

With your magic wand click inside each of the frames

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 3

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Edit, Copy Water

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move down so some of the water is below the frame

Edit, Clear

Edit, copy Wave

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the left some

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 50
Blur: 6
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, copy  Sand

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the bottom of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Palm Tree

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the right side of the frame.

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Sun

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the top right and place behind the palm tree

Image, resize 70%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Sandcastle

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the right and place in front of the palm tree

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Edit, copy Message in a bottle

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the far right and place behind the sand castle and to the right some

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Surfboard

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

Move to the right. Place behind the castle and bottle against the palm tree

Image, rotate, free rotate, right, 20

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Sea Plant 1

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the far right

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Coral

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the right and place to the left side of the sea plant

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Sailboat

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to place in front of the wave behind the frame. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Lounge Chair

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, Mirror

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move the left side of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Drink

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the left and place on the left arm of the chair

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same settings

Edit, copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize to fit your tag

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Beach bag

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the far left and place beside the chair

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Towels

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the left and place behind the bag

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Beach Ball

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the left and place behind the chair

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Book and glasses

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the right and place in front of the castle but under the tubes hand

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop shadow, same settings

Edit, copy Sunglasses

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Place in front of bag

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Camera

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the left place in front of bag but behind glasses

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Lanterns

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the top of the frame and move over to the left some

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Straw hat

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the left and place in front of the towels but behind the bag

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Umbrella

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, Mirror

Image, resize 50%

Move to the left and place behind the chair. Move up so it is above the chair

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same settings

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Saturday, June 6, 2015
This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of Ellie_Milk. You must have a license to use this tube. You can buy the tube at PFD

I am using the kit Almost Paradise by Manipulated by Magik. You can find this kit at her HIM Addicts Store HERE

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, Copy Frame 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

With your magic wand click inside each of the frames

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 3

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Edit, copy Sparkles

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the left so you can see more of the sparkle

Edit, clear

Edit, Copy Water

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move below the sparkles

Move down so some of the water is below the frame

Edit, Clear

Edit, copy Wave

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the left some

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 50
Blur: 6
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, copy  Palm Tree

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, Mirror

Move to the right side of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Beach Chair

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the bottom right of the frame placing in front of the palm tree

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Surfboard

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the right side of the frame

Move behind the chair

Image, resize 70%

Image, rotate, free rotate, right, 20

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize to fit your tag

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Edit, copy Beach Bag

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the far right and place in front and to the right some of the chair

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Sandal

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Image, Mirror

Move to the right and place in front of the bag to the left

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy MP3 Player

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the right and place behind the shoe some

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Shell 1

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the bottom of the cut off leg of the tube

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Shell 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Image, rotate, free rotate, right, 20

Move to the bottom of the other cut off leg of the tube

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Lighthouse

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move the left side of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Water Splash

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move til it is between the shells and in front of the tube like the water is splashing up on her

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same settings

Edit, copy Kite

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Image, Mirror

Move to the right and place behind the tube but in front of the palm tree

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Sea Weed

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the far left and place behind the light house

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, copy Coral

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the far right placing in front of the seaweed

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Sea Turtle

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move to the far left placing in front of the light house at the bottom

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Beach Ball

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the far right placing in front of the chair but behind the bag

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop shadow, same settings

Edit, copy Starfish

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move behind both seashells but in front of the water splash

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Seaplant

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the far right and place in front of the coral

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same settings

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Monday, June 1, 2015
This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of Nocturne.  You need a license to use this tube. You can buy this tube at PFD

I am using the PTU Kit Breathless by Gimptastic Scraps . This kit is exclusive to The PSP Project

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, Copy Frame 6

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

With your magic wand click inside of the frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Edit, copy Ele43

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the bottom of the frame

Edit, clear

Selections, select None

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Flip

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 50
Blur: 6
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, Copy Ele7

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the top left of the frame and place til it looks like it is part of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop shadow, Same settings

Edit, Copy Ele2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the top left of frame

Image, rotate, free rotate, right, 20

Place to look like it is attached to the top of the element you previously added to the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele21

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the far right of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele13

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, 60%

Move to the right and place at the base of the lantern on the right side some

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Bring back over and place beside the original

Edit, Copy Ele57

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the right and place behind the flowers and move up some

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize  to fit your tag

Image, Mirror

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele52

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Move down some

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Image, Flip

Move below the original

Edit, Copy Ele37

Edit, Paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move to Raster 2 and place at the bottom left of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Ele34

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

Image, rotate, free rotate, right, 20

Move to the bottom left and place in front of the red jar

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Ele30

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 90%

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Edit, copy Ele44

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to place on Raster 2 on the right

Image, Resize 70%

Move up til you can see the writing

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Setting

Edit, copy Ele15

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to place at the top of the bookmark so that you can see the words through the star

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele38

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the top left of the frame

Image, rotate, free rotate, left 20

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Blog Archive