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Friday, April 26, 2013

This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of Arthur Crowe. You need a license to use his tubes. You can buy this tube at his store found HERE

I am using the PTU kit All Lips Go Blue by Manipulated by Magik . Visit her blog HERE to find where she sales her kits and more.

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, Copy Frame 1

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 80%

With your magic wand click inside frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 5

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, move down

Selections, Invert

Edit, clear

Edit, Copy Sparkles

Edit, Paste, paste as new layer

Move up to top of frame some

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Flip

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical and Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 65
Blur: 5
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Select Raster 3

Edit, copy Drips

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move up to the top of the frame. See my tag for placement

Edit, copy Bubbles 1

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, Resize 80%

Move around to place to your liking

Edit, copy Sparkles

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move down to near bottom of your frame. See my tag for preference

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Flip

Image, Mirror

Edit, copy Doodle

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Edit, copy Heart

Edit, Paste, Paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move up to the right top corner of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Lips

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the top Left corner of the frame

Image, resize 40%

Image, Mirror

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Candle 2

Edit, Paste, Paste as new layer

Move to the bottom right of the frame

Image, resize 60%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Rose 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the right and place behind and to the right side of the candle. See my tag for placement

Image, resize 40%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Move down on the left side. See my tag for placement

Edit, Copy Notebook

Edit, paste, paste as new  layer

Image, resize 50%

Move over to the right and move down til it is below the candle and roses

Image, Rotate, Free Rotate, Left, 10

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Him Vertical Logo

Edit, Paste, Paste as new layer

Move to the left of the frame. See my tag for placement

Image, resize 60%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy ALGB Skull

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, Mirror

Image, resize 40%

Move to the left at the edge. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

My Tag is just a guide

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Monday, April 22, 2013

This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork FourXDesigns. You can purchase her artwork at her store HERE

I am using the FTU kit Bubble Pop by Gimptastic Scraps

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, Copy Frame 5

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

With your magic wand click inside frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 9

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, move down

Selections, Invert

Edit, clear

Selections, Select None

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical and Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 65
Blur: 5
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, copy Frame 4

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, Send to bottom

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Sparkle

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Image, Resize 80%

Select Raster 3

Selections, Select All, Float Defloat

Edit, copy Bubbles 1

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, Resize 80%

Move around to place to your liking

Selections Invert

Edit, clear

Edit, copy Bubbles 2

Move around to place to your liking

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Edit, copy Bubble Wand

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Image, rotate, free rotate, left 30

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Rainbow Bubble

Edit, Paste, Paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

Move to place on top of the bubble wand. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Bubble Coupe

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Image, resize 70%

Move to the left

Image, Mirror

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Balloon

Edit, Paste, Paste as new layer

Move to the right between the star points

Image, rotate, free rotate, right, 20

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the right. See my tag for placement

Image, resize 80%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, Copy Sock Monkey

Edit, paste, paste as new  layer

Image, resize 60%

Move over to the place and make it look like it is sitting on Raster 2

Image, Mirror

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Boombox

Edit, Paste, Paste as new layer

Move to the left of the frame. See my tag for placement

Image, resize 60%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy YoYo

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move down and place to the right of the boombox. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Jello Shot

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the left and place to the left of the boombox..see my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, Copy Lollipop 1

Edit, paste, Paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move over to the left and place below the jello shot. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Tulle 1

Edit, Paste, Paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Image, resize 50%

Edit, copy Sunglasses

Edit, Paste, paste as new layer

Image, Resize 50%

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move to the left and place in front of the Jello Shot

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, Copy Screwy Metal

Edit, Paste, Paste as new layer

Image, Resize 40%

Move down to Raster 2 and place between car and boombox..See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

My Tag is just a guide

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Saturday, April 20, 2013
**Special Note..Though I don't live in Boston, I like the rest of the United States and world have been riveted to the news this whole week....Boston has been through hell and back just in the span of 5 days..May our prayers be with everyone at this time. I am happy to present this tut dedicated to everyone in Boston.**

This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork Freya Langford-Sidebottom. This is a free tube that was commissioned by Omneya Dhmaid. Freya and Omneya are giving it away free...You can find the tube on Freya's Facebook page found HERE

I am using the FTU kit Bostonian Strength by Gimptastic Scraps

Plugin: Tramages (Tow The Line) Found HERE

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, Copy Frame 3

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 80%

With your magic wand click inside frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 8

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, move down

Selections, Invert

Edit, clear

Edit, copy Close up of tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the left of the frame

Image, resize 50%

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Change the opacity of this layer to Hard Light

Select Raster 3

Effects, Plugins, Tramages, Tow The Line at Default settings

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical and Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 65
Blur: 5
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, copy Star Scatter

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, Send to bottom

Move over to the right. See how I have mine in my tag

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Layers, Merge, Merge down

Edit, copy Sequin Spill

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Effects, 3D Effects Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Banner

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, Arrange, bring to top

Place at the top of your frame

Image, resize 70%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 55%

Move to the left of the frame. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Doodle 2

Edit, Paste, Paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the bottom right of the frame. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Brad 1

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the right and place on the banner. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Cuffs

Edit, Paste, Paste as new layer

Move to the bottom left of the frame. Move down til they are on Raster 2

Image, resize 60%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Believe

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the bottom of the frame. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, Copy Liscene Plate

Edit, paste, paste as new  layer

Image, resize 40%

Move Up and place to look like it is hanging off the banner. see my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select RicRac

Image, Rotate, Rotate Clockwise 90

Edit, Copy RicRac

Edit, Paste, Paste as new layer

Move to the right and place on raster 2

Image, resize 70%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Image, rotate, Free Rotate, 10, left

My Tag is just a guide

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Thursday, April 18, 2013

This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork Elias Chatzoudis. You need a license to use his tubes. This is a free tube at his store found HERE

I am using the FTU kit Girls Rule by Gimptastic Scraps 

Shin Akiba Punx Font found HERE

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, Copy Frame 5

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

With your magic wand click inside frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 6

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, move down

Selections, Invert

Edit, clear

Selections, Select None

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical and Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 65
Blur: 5
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Select Raster 3

Selections, Select All, Float, Defloat

Edit, Copy Close up of Tube

Edit, Paste, Paste as new layer

Arrange the way you wish it to be

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Change Blend Mode of this layer to Luminance Legacy and change opacity to 68

Edit, copy Girls Rule

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move to the left hand top corner of frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ribbon

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, move down

Move to left and place under the Girls Rule. See my tag for placement

Image, resize 60%

Effects, 3D Effects Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Star Spiral

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, Arrange, send to bottom

Pull over to the left some

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, copy Winged Skull

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move To top right of the frame

Image, resize 80%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Bag

Edit, Paste, Paste as new layer

Image, resize 80%

Move to the bottom left of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Shoe

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the left and place to the right of the bag some. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Move the duplicate to the left of the shoe. Place them as you wish or the way I have them

Edit, Copy Cuff 1

Edit, Paste, Paste as new layer

Move to the left

Image, resize 50%

Move down below the 2 shoes

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Glove

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the left and Place to the left behind the duplicated shoe and cuff

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, Copy Ipod

Edit, paste, paste as new  layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the left and place behind shoe and cuff

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Arrow

Image, Rotate, Rotate Clockwise 90

Edit, Copy Arrow

Edit, Paste, Paste as new layer

Move to the right and place on raster 2

Image, resize 80%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the right of the tag

Image, resize 80%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Cuff 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to bottom of frame. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

My Tag is just a guide

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Monday, April 15, 2013

This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork PinupToons. You need a license to use his tubes. You can buy this tube at CDO

I am using the FTU kit Inspired By PinupToons by Gimptastic Scraps this is part of the Fantastically Free Blog Train for April

CK Letter Home Font Found HERE

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, Copy Frame 3

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 80%

With your magic wand click inside frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, move down

Selections, Invert

Edit, clear

Selections, Select None

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical and Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 65
Blur: 5
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, copy Scatter

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Dots

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Edit, copy Flower Scatter

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, Arrange, bring to top

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, copy Grass

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move down to bottom of frame. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Tube

Edit, Paste, Paste as new layer

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Cloud

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 80%

Move behind tube. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Balloon

Edit, Paste, Paste as new layer

Move to the left

Image, rotate, free rotate, right, 20

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Candies

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the left and in front of the grass

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, Copy Snail

Edit, paste, paste as new  layer

Move to the right and place on the candies

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Doodle

Edit, Paste, Paste as new layer

Move to the left and place as you wish or see my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, copy Flower 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Move to the left. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, copy Bear

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the left  and place on top of the candies. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

My Tag is just a guide

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Saturday, April 13, 2013

This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork Myriadelle. You need a license to use her tubes. I bought this tube when she was with PTE but you can now buy her work at CDO 

I am using the PTU kit Mothers Garden by Manipulated by Magik . Visit her blog HERE to find where she sales her kits and more.

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, Copy Frame 4

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 85%

With your magic wand click inside frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 17

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, move down

Selections, Invert

Edit, clear

Selections, Select None

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical and Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 65
Blur: 5
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, copy Vine

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the left

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Well

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move over to the left

Image, Resize 85%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Birdbath

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 85%

Move to the right

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Mushrooms

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to place in front of birdbath

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Bird

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Place on top of birdbath. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Lamp

Edit, Paste, Paste as new layer

Move to the left and place below the edge of the well and to the left. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Wheelbarrow

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

Move to the left. Place in front of the well

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Select Raster 3

Edit, Copy Sparkles 2

Edit, paste, paste as new  layer

Image resize 90%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Tube

Edit, Paste, Paste as new layer

Image, Mirror

Resize to fit your tag. I have resized my tag 70%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Flowers 3

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, Resize 50%

Move in front of well and to the right. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Flowers

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the left  and place in front of well and to the left of flowers 3

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Flowers 2

Edit, Paste, paste as new layer

Move to the left and down below Flowers

Image, resize 50%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Lilacs

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move down til it is behind the mushrooms

Image, resize 60%

Effects, 3D Effects Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Butterfly

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Image, resize 20%

Move to the left and place on the light

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

My Tag is just a guide

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Thursday, April 11, 2013

This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of Verymany. You need a license to use her tubes. You can buy this tube at PFD

I am using the FTU kit One Fine day by Gimptastic Scraps

Open new image 600 x 600

Select Frame 4

Image, Rotate, Rotate Clockwise 90

Edit, Copy Frame 4

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 80%

With your magic wand click inside each part of the frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 10

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, move down

Selections, Invert

Edit, clear

Selections, Select None

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical and Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 65
Blur: 5
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, copy Hot Air Balloon

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image,  resize 80%

Image, rotate, free rotate, left, 20

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Flower 6

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move to top of frame

Image, rotate, free rotate, right 10

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Select Raster 3

Edit, copy Scatter

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, duplicate

Image, Mirror

Select Branch 2

Image, Rotate, Rotate Counterclockwise 90

Edit, copy Branch 2

Place on Raster 2 in the middle of the frame

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 80%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Resize 80%

Line up with the first

Edit, Copy Balloon

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move over to the left and pull up some. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Tube

Edit, Paste, Paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the bottom of the frame. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Dog

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Image, Mirror

Move to the left. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, Copy Lantern

Edit, paste, paste as new  layer

Move to Raster 2

Move to the right of the frame

Image, resize 80%

Image, rotate, free rotate, left , 10

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy WA

Edit, Paste, Paste as new layer

Pull down below tube and than Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Image, resize 80%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Bouquet

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to raster 2 and above the flowers that are duplicated. See my tag for placement

Image, resize 60%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

My Tag is just a guide

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of Zlata_M. You need a license to use her tubes. You can buy this tube at PFD

I am using the FTU kit Rhapsody In Blue by Gimptastic Scraps

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, Copy Frame 3

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 80%

With your magic wand click inside the four frames in the frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 7

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, move down

Selections, Invert

Edit, clear

Selections, Select None

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical and Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 65
Blur: 5
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, Copy Scatter

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 75%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Tree

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the left

Image,  resize 85%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Bunny

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the bottom right of the frame

Image, resize 60%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Grass

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the bottom and make sure it is above the tree layer

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Flower 4

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image Mirror

Move over to the right. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Flower 1

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move over to the right and on top of flower 4

Image, resize 70%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, Copy Lanterns

Edit, Paste, Paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Stick

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move over to the right

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, Copy Nest

Edit, paste, paste as new  layer

Move to the tree

Image, resize 70%

Move up toward the top of the tree

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Bird

Edit, Paste, Paste as new layer

Move to place on the nest

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Butterfly

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move to the top right of the frame

Image, resize 70%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Basket

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move over to the right and place behind bunny

Image, resize 70%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Egg

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move over to the right and place behind rabbit and in front of basket. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

Move down and to the left. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

My Tag is just a guide

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Blog Archive