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Monday, February 26, 2018
This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of Barbara Jensen. You need a license to use this tube. You can purchase the tube at her store HERE

I am using the PTU kit Living Life by Ladyhawwk Designs  You can find this kit exclusively at Barbara Jensen’s store HERE

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, Copy Frame 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

With your magic wand click inside of the frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Opacity: 50
Blur: 6
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, Copy Ele 8

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Move to the bottom and than far left

Layers, duplicate

Image, Mirror

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Ele 21

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

Move to the bottom of the frame and to the left

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, copy Ele 9

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Image, resize 50%

Move to the left side of the fence

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, copy Ele 7

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the left and place in front of the flowers

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, Copy Ele 29

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move in front of the fence and move to the left some behind the flowers

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 6%

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move down in front of the flowers

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele 13

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move directly behind the tubes back

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele 11

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move in front of the greenery and behind the basket. Move to the right some

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, copy Ele 37

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

Move to the left and place in front of the tall flowers but behind the ones at the bottom. Move up toward the top of the frame some

Effects, 3D effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele 28

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Image, Mirror

Place in the birdhouse

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele 6

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 20%

Move to the right and place on the grass of the flowers

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele 23

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the right. Place behind the tube and in front of the flowers

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Ele 12

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Place on the basket of flowers

Effects, 3D Effect, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Sunday, February 25, 2018
This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of Barbara Jensen. You need a license to use this tube. You can purchase the tube at her store HERE

I am using the PTU kit Sweet As Honey by Ladyhawwk Designs  You can find this kit exclusively at Barbara Jensen’s store HERE

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, Copy Frame 4

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

With your magic wand click inside of the frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Edit, copy Ele 9

Image, resize 70%

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Opacity: 50
Blur: 6
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, Copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Ele 18

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

Move to the far left so that part of the fence is over past the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, copy Ele 24

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the left and place in front of the fence

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, copy Ele 12

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the right side of the tube and the left of the flowers

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, Copy Ele 19

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the right and place behind the flowers but in front of the fence

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele 1

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move down and move around til you have the cut off legs of the tube covered

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, copy Ele 14

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the far left in front of the flowers

Move down below the yellow flower at the bottom. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele 27

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the left and place in front of the honey jar

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele 35

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 20%

Move to the left side of the tubes legs behind the flower that is covering the bottom of the tubes legs

Effects, 3D effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, copy Ele 23

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Place to the left of the tube in front of the fence

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Ele 17

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

Move to the left and move up so it is above the flowers

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele 12

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move to the right side of the post on the left

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Ele 7

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the right and place in front of the flowers but behind the one that is covering the bottom of the tubes legs

Effects, 3D Effect, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Duplicate the honey comb layer that is on the left

Image, Mirror

Move up in front of the bucket

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Saturday, February 24, 2018
This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of Anna Marine.  You need a license to use this tube. You can buy this tube at CDO

I am using the PTU Kit IB Anna Marine 50-2 by Schnegge’s Scraps. This kit is sold at CDO

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, copy Frame 01

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

With your magic wand click inside of the frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 03

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 65
Blur: 5
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 85%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, Copy Element 04

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 95%

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Image, rotate, free rotate, right 90

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Element 18

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the bottom right of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Element 14

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the right and place on the left side of the bowl of brains

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Element 13

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the right and place up toward the top of the frame behind the bowl and cupcake

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Element 12

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move to the bottom left of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Element 02

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the left and move down and below the flower on the corner of the bottom left. Than move over just a little

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Element 06

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the left side of the cupcake and behind the the tubes legs

Effects, 3D effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Element 15

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the right and placed in front of the cupcake and bowl

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Element 19

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the bottom left and move over so it is behind the tube some

Image, rotate, free rotate, left 30

Effects, 3D effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Element 11

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the right and place behind the skull and in front of the bowl

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Tuesday, February 13, 2018
This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of Enamorte. You must have a license to use this tube. You can buy the tube at CDO

I am using the kit Don’t Call It Love-Mini  by Schnegge’s Scraps. This kit sold at CDO

Template 7 by Venomous Creations found HERE

Open template 7

Delete Raster 1 and Background

Select Square

Selections, Select All, Float, Defloat

Edit, copy Paper 06

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 50
Blur: 6
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Delete Square

Select Rectangle

Selections, Select, All, Float Defloat

Edit, copy Paper 02

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow same Settings

Delete Rectangle

Select Bottom Stripe

Selections, Select All, Float, Defloat

Edit, copy Paper 04

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Selections, Invert

Edit, clear

Selections, Select None

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Delete Bottom Stripe

Select Middle Stripe

Selections, Select All, Float Defloat

Edit, copy Paper 04

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Selections, Invert

Edit, clear

Selections, Select None

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Delete Middle Stripe

Select Top Stripe

Selections, Select All, Float, Defloat

Edit, copy Paper 04

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same settings

Delete Top Stripe

Select Top Oval

Selections, Select All, Float, Defloat

Edit, copy Paper 02

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Selections, Invert

Edit, clear

Edit, copy Element 12

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Delete Top Oval

Edit, copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Image, resize 80%

Move down below the circle some

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Using your eraser tool get rid of the extra of the dress around the edges of the circle

Edit, copy  Ele 21

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move down to place over the erased parts of the tube. It will be over the tube some and at the edge of the oval

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele 11

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, mirror

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Ele 10

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the bottom edge of Raster 2

Image, resize 80%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele 48

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, rotate, free rotate, right, 90

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Image, resize 70%

Move to the bottom of the tube and move to the left some. See my tag for placemen

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Edit, copy Ele 02

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the left and place below the tube and over to the left some

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Ele 31

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move to the bottom left placing in front of the cross at the bottom

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele 04

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

Place above the layer that is white behind the tube and move to the right and move up and over some til you have the tree the way you want it

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele 20

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the right and place on the edge of the oval. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Saturday, February 10, 2018
This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of Elizabeth Austin.  You need a license to use this tube. This tube is sold at CDO

I am using the kit C’est Du Bon Temps by Manipulated by Magik. You can buy this kit only at her store found HERE

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, copy Frame 3

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, rotate, free rotate, right 90

Image, resize 70%

With your magic wand click inside of the frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

I move this paper down some so you could see the trees and snow

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Edit, copy Scatter 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move up and to the right some

Edit, clear

Edit, copy City Scape

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move down to the bottom of the layer some

Image, resize 70%

Move over to the right some

Edit, Clear

Edit, copy Fireworks

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move up toward and past the top some

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 50
Blur: 6
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, copy Sign

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

Move to the top of the frame and put it in the middle at the top of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Sign Post

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, Resize 60%

Move to the right side and move up a little. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize to fit your tag

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Beads 1

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the bottom of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Dubloons

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the right and place at the bottom and in front of the sign

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Glitter Spatter

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 80%

Move to the left side til you have it the way you want it

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Image, Flip

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Balloons

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

Move to the right side and move up and over so you can see them. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Gris Gris Bag

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to place behind the tube on the right and behind the dubloons

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Feather Wand

Edit, Paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the left side of the gris gris bag and behind the tubes butt

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Beads 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the far bottom left of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Booze

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the left side and place above the beads and over til it is behind the tube some and under the tubes leg

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Beer

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to place in front of the booze and over to the right a little

Image, resize 40%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Fleur-de-lis 1

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the top of the frame and place on the left side of the French Quarter sign

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Layers, Duplicate

Move to the right side of the sign

Edit, copy Butterfly Mask

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the left side of the frame

Image, resize 70%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Candy Skull

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the bottom left of the frame

Effects, 3D effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Spill

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Lay on top of the dubloons and behind the tubes foot

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Streamers

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move behind the sign up at the top on the right side

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, copy Necklace

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the right and place above the dubloons

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Tuesday, February 6, 2018
This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of Verymany.  You need a license to use this tube. This tube is sold at their store HERE

I am using the kit Romance In Red by Manipulated by Magik. You can buy this kit only at her store found HERE

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, copy Frame 1

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, rotate, free rotate, right 90

Image, resize 70%

With your magic wand click inside of the frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 3

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

I move this paper down some so you could see the trees and snow

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 50
Blur: 6
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize to fit your tag

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Gift Box

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, Resize 40%

Move to the right side and place behind the tube

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Heart Trial 1

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 80%

Move to left of the frame

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Image, Flip

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Cupcake

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Place on the left side of the tube and behind the tube

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Champagne

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the left side of the frame behind the cupcake

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Dipped Strawberry

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to place on the left side, in front of the cupcake and champagne glass

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same settings

Edit, copy Cherries

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the left in front of the cupcake and strawberry

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Chain And Charms

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to place on the top left of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Blocks

Edit, Paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the right side and place behind the tube and in front of the gift box

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Heart Stalks

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the far left and move up some so they are above the top of the frame some

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings
Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Flowers 1

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the far right of the frame. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Balloons

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the top right of the frame and move over…Move up til you have them the way you want them

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Falling Hearts

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Move to the right side and move around til you have them where you want them

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Heart Trial 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move down behind the tubes legs. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Candies

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the left behind the cupcake and up some. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Ring Box

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the right and place on the cube of the word love

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Choccie

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Place behind the tube and in front of the cupcake

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Rose Petals

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the right and place below the cube of words. See my tag for placement

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Sunday, February 4, 2018
This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of Anna Liwanag.  You need a license to use this tube. You can buy this tube at CDO

I am using the PTU Kit IB Anna Liwanag 48-1 by Schnegge’s Scraps. This kit is sold at CDO

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, copy Frame 03

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

With your magic wand click inside of the frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 03

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Edit, copy Element 11

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 65
Blur: 5
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, Copy Element 19

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move behind the tube and to the right. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Element 21

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the left side of the tube and place behind the tubes knee

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Element 18

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the left and place in front of the bucket of champagne

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Element 14

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move behind the flute and in front of the bucket and move over to the left some so that it is showing

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Element 04

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the bottom right of the frame in front of the gift but behind the tubes legs

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Element 12

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the far right of the tag placing in front of the envelope. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Element 09

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to place in front of the cupcake on the left side

Effects, 3D effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Element 22

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the right side of the frame placing in front of the bottle

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Element 15

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Image, Mirror

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move to place in front of the tube and move down a little. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Element 13

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the left and place behind the fruit but in front of the champagne

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Saturday, February 3, 2018
This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of Sebastian Serrano.  You need a license to use this tube. You can buy this tube at CDO

I am using the PTU Kit IB Sebastian Serrano 11-1 by Schnegge’s Scraps. This kit is sold at CDO

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, copy Frame 02

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

With your magic wand click inside of the frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 03

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 65
Blur: 5
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, copy Element 19

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

Image, rotate, free rotate, right 90

Move up and to the left some

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Image, Flip

Edit, Copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, Arrange, bring to top

Image, resize 60%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Element 17

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the top left of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Element 04

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Image, Mirror

Move to the right and place behind the tubes foot

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Element 21

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the bottom left of the frame

Image, resize 50%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Element 14

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Image, Mirror

Move to the bottom right of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Element 02

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Image, Mirror

Move to the top right of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, Copy Element 03

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the bottom left of the frame and move out so it can be soon

Effects, 3D effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Element 07

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the right side of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Element 09

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the right and place on the white cube and move up in front of the flower

Effects, 3D effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Element 18

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move to the top left and place on the heart

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Element 12

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the bottom left of the frame and move over some

Effects, 3D effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Wordart

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move to the far right. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of PinupToons. You need a license to use this tube. You can buy this tube at CDO

I am using the PTU kit Love Will Keep Us Together by Sweet Cravings Scraps. You can buy the kit at  Mystical Scraps and TKO Scraps

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, copy Frame 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, rotate, free rotate, right 10

Image, resize 60%

With your magic wand click inside of the frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 14

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Edit, copy Splatter

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 50
Blur: 6
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, Copy Scattered hearts

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the bottom left of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Edit, Copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Tree

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the left side of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Flower 7

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 20%

Move to the bottom left of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, Copy Flower 6

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 20%

Move to the left side of the pink flower and move below it

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Vine 1

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Image, Flip

Move to the top right of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Bird 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 20%

Move to the right and place on the vine to be  hanging from there

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Cloud of Hearts

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the top right of the frame beneath the fine

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Flare

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the right side of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Cat 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the left side of the tube to look like it is against the tubes legs

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Paper Heart 1

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the left and place in front of the tree but behind the flowers

Image, rotate, free rotate, left 20

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Candy Heart 3

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the right and place behind the flowers at the bottom right

Image, rotate, free rotate, right 10

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Cat 1

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Place on the right side of the tube behind the tube and in front of the flowers and lean it on the bird hanging on a wire

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Bird 1

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 10%

Move to the left and place on the tree branch on the left

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

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