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Saturday, August 31, 2019
This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of Sheena Pike. You need a license to use this tube.  You can purchase this tube at CDO

I am using the PTU kit Relax by Sweet Cravings Scraps. You can buy the kit at Mystical Scraps and TKO Scraps

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, copy Frame 3

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

With your magic wand click inside of the frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 5

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 50
Blur: 6
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, copy Sloth 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the top right of the frame. See my tag for placement

Image, rotate, free rotate, right 10

Effects, 3D effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize to fit your tag

I moved to the bottom left of the frame. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Sun

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the top left of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Garland

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, flip

Image, resize 60%

Move down to the bottom of the frame and over to the right some

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Edit, copy Wreath 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the right side of the frame

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Setting

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Flower 5

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the bottom right of the frame. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Flower 9

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the left side of the previous flower you placed and move around til you have it placed the way you wish

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Flower 6

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move behind the flower on the right and behind the tube. Move around til you have it placed where you want it

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Sloth 1

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move to the bottom right sitting in front of the flowers

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Sloth 6

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 20%

Place behind the flowers and to the right side of the tube some. Move around til you have it where you want it or use my tag as a guide

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Sloth 7

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 20%

Move to the right and move up some so the heads are showing above the sloth that is sitting

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Thursday, August 29, 2019
This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of Verymany.  You need a license to use this tube. You can purchase this tube at their store HERE

I am using the kit Fall Fantasy by Manipulated by Magik. You can buy this kit only at her store found HERE

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, copy FF F 8

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

With your magic wand click inside of the frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy FF P 8

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Selections, Invert

Edit, clear

Selections, Select None

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 50
Blur: 6
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, copy FF E 9

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 85%

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Move down so that it is centered behind the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same settings

Edit, copy FF E 24

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Image, resize 80%

Move to the bottom left side of the frame. Some of the leaves not all

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Layers, duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, copy Tube

Edit, Paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize to fit your tag. I placed her on the leaves in the middle of them

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy FF E 80

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 90%

Move to the left side of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy FF E 28

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the left side of the tube and move behind the tube and over to the left some. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy FF E 82

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the left and move so it looks like the hand is holding the rake in front of the scare crow

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy FF E 71

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 80%

Move to the top of the frame and move to the left some. That way the end of the branch will be behind the tree

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy FF E 101

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the left placing on the leaves behind the basket of leaves

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy FF E 40

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the left placing them on the leaves in front of the rake

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy FF E 65

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Image, Mirror

Move to the left and place on the basket with the leaves in it

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy FF E 52

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Place behind the tube on the leaves and move to the right side of the tube. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy FF E 59

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move to place in front of the tube. I placed is on the left side of the tube in front of the hand and leg

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy FF E 69

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 20%

Move to the left and place on the scare crows hat

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy FF E 48

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the right side of the the frame, placing behind the pumpkin

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy FF E 113

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Image, Mirror

Move to the right side placing behind the pumpkin and move over to the right some

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy FF E 112

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the top of the frame. I placed my sun so it is peaking through the branches that the owls are on

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy FF E 11

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, Mirror

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy FF E 12

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move around til you have it placed the way you want. I moved over to the right and up a little

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy FF E 115

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

I placed in front of the tree so you could see some sparkle

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy FF E 63

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move to place on the right in front of the tubes feet

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Monday, August 26, 2019
This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of Barbara Jensen. You need a license to use this tube. You can purchase the tube at her store HERE

I am using the PTU kit Fall Affair by Ladyhawwk Designs  You can find this kit exclusively at Barbara Jensen’s store HERE

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, Copy Frame 3

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

With your magic wand click inside of the frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 1

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Opacity: 50
Blur: 6
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, copy Ele 33

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, mirror

Image, resize 70%

Move to the left side of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele 37

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the left side of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, copy Ele 8

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Move to the right side of the frame

Image, resize 60%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, bring to top

Image, resize to fit your tag

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, Copy Ele 16

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the left placing behind the tubes leg and in front of the basket of apples

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele 5

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the right side and behind the tube but in front of the flowers and bunny

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele 9

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the right placing above the wheat and to the right a little

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

You will have to move this one down til it is above the wheat on that side

Edit, copy Ele 1

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move so it is behind the basket and in front of the flower you just placed

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele 3

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the left and place in front and toward the top of the basket

Effects, 3D effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele 17

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the left in front of the basket but behind the pumpkin

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele 14

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the left side of the frame

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, copy Ele 26

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the left to sit on one of the signs of the basket

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Saturday, August 24, 2019
This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of Maryline Cazenave. You need a license to use this tube.  You can purchase this tube at CDO

I am using the PTU kit IB Maryline Cazenave April 2019bt by Ladyhawwk Designs. You can find this kit at CDO

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, copy Frame 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

With your magic wand click inside of the frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 5

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Selections, Invert

Edit, Clear

Edit, copy Ele 10

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move over to the left some

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 50
Blur: 6
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, copy Ele 14

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the bottom of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the bottom left of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele 4

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the right side. Move up just a little

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele 8

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 60%

Move to the bottom of the flower on the right

Effect, 3D effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, Resize 60%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy Ele 19

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the left of the tube and place behind the white flowers and in front of the grass. Move down some

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Ele 9

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the left side of the frame and move up some

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, copy Ele 17

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the right.  Place in front of the tall flower and behind the small one. Now move the taller flower up toward the top of the frame and move the basket over some. Move the other flower til you have it in front of the basket the way you want

Effects,3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Ele 7

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the left side of the tube placing behind the tube and in front of the black flower. Move down some

Image, resize 40%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Friday, August 16, 2019
This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of  Maryline Cazenave. You need a license to use this tube. You can purchase this tube at CDO

I am using the PTU Kit IB Maryline Cazenave 83-2 by Foxys Designz. This kit is sold at CDO

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, copy Frame 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, rotate free rotate, right 90

Image, resize 50%

With your magic wand click inside of the frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 6

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Selections, Invert

Edit, clear

Edit, copy Element 20

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 65
Blur: 5
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize to fit your tag

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, Copy Element 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the top left of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Element 10

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the bottom left of the frame

Image, resize 60%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Element 11

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the right side behind the tube

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Element 12

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the left and place in front of the chalkboard and behind the tube some

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Element 1

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move down til it is behind the tubes head some and the clock. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Element 6

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, Mirror

Image, resize 30%

Move to the right and place behind the tube and at the bottom right corner of the frame at the top

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Element 4

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, Mirror

Move to the left of the chalkboard and move down so the bottom part is behind the book

Image, resize 30%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Element 9

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the far right behind the bag

Image, resize 40%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Wordart

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

I used my selection tool and took each of the words, resized them each by 60% and moved them the way I wanted on the frame. You can always put them where you want. I was just trying to fill some space up on the tag

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Sunday, August 11, 2019
This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of  Maryline Cazenave. You need a license to use this tube. You can purchase this tube at CDO

I am using the PTU Kit Autumn Harvest by Foxys Designz. This kit is sold at CDO 

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, copy Frame 1

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

With your magic wand click inside of the frame

Selections, Modify, Expand by 8

Edit, copy Paper 4

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Selections, Invert

Edit, clear

Edit, copy Element 18

Edit, Clear

Selections, Select None

Select Raster 2

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 65
Blur: 5
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, copy Tube

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize to fit your tag

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, Copy Element 9

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to the bottom left of the frame

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, mirror

Edit, copy Element 26

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move behind the tube and pull down some

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Element 3

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the right side in front of the bucket

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Element 28

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the right side of the frame behind the buckets

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Element 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the right side of the frame

Image, resize 40%

Move down behind the sunflower some

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Edit, copy Element 20

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to the top of the frame and place where you wish

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy Element 21

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the right side of the frame and place on the bucket

Image, resize 40%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Element 7

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the top right of the frame. See my tag for placement

Image, resize 40%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Select Raster 2

Edit, copy Element 8

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, Flip

Move to the left side of the frame and make sure it is under the other leaf some

Image, resize 40%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

Saturday, August 3, 2019
This tutorial was written by me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is pure coincidence. Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own. It was written in PSP 9 but should be compatible with any version of PSP.

I am using the artwork of Keith Garvey.  This tube is included in the kit

I am using the kit Sassy Geek by Manipulated by Magik. You can buy this kit only at her store found HERE

WSL_Mask220  found HERE. there is a download on the side of the blog for all her masks. You will find the link there for this mask

Open new image 600 x 600

Edit, copy SG E 6

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Move to the right side of the frame

Image, resize 70%

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Settings of:
Vertical : 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 50
Blur: 6
Color: Black
Shadow on new layer NOT Checked

Edit, copy SG E 1A

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 70%

Move to the left side of the locker

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same settings

Edit, copy SG E 9

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, Mirror

Image, resize 50%

Move behind the tubes leg on the left side

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy SG E 31

Edit, Paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move behind the tubes foot and in front of the backpack

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy SG E 19

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the left behind the tube and the pencil case so it is in front of the backpack..move over to the right some

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy SG E 13

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 40%

Move to the left side of the papers and move below them

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy SG E 11

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move to place in front of the locker at the bottom

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy SG E 3

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 80%

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Move to the left so that you can see the front of the desk

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy SG E 26

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to place in front of the desk. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy SG E 18

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to place on top of the desk

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy SG E 32

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 30%

Move to place at the top right edge of the desk and than move below the notebook

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same settings

Edit, copy SG E 75

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 20%

Move to place on top of the notebook that is on the desk

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy SG E 2

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Move to the left some. I have it behind the desk and up. See my tag for placement

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy SG P 4

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Layers, Load/save mask, load mask from disk, settings:

Source Luminance
Fit To Canvas
Invert Transparency NOT Checked
Hide All Mask

Layers, Merge, merge Group

Move to the left side of the frame

Layers, Duplicate

Image, Mirror

Move over to the right some

Edit, copy SG E 99

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 20%

Move to place on the desk in the left corner

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Edit, copy SG E 10

Edit, paste, paste as new layer

Image, resize 50%

Move behind the laptop and move to the right in front of the desk

Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, Same Settings

Remember to add your copyright info. Make sure it is plain and legible

Add your name to the tag

Save as PNG

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